SANS Institute Unveils Critical Infrastructure Strategy Guide for 2024: A Call to Action for Securing ICS/OT Environments

August 30, 2024 at 02:42AM The SANS Institute has released a guide, “ICS Is the Business,” by Dean Parsons. It addresses the increasing need for ICS security in the face of a 50% rise in ransomware attacks in 2023. The guide emphasizes the critical steps organizations must take to safeguard their operations and ensure public … Read more

Making Cyber Insurance Available for Small Biz, Contractors

December 8, 2023 at 04:30PM The rising costs of recovering from security incidents and data breaches are spurring interest in cyber insurance. Traditionally seen as only for large organizations, there is now a focus on offering policies to small and midsize businesses and independent contractors. New tailored products are being introduced, but distinguishing between actual … Read more