Memory-safe languages so hot right now, agrees Lazarus Group as it slings DLang malware

December 11, 2023 at 01:13PM Research revealed that Lazarus Group used novel malware strains written in the atypical programming language DLang. The attacks, part of “Operation Blacksmith,” targeted organizations in various industries. This included the use of NineRAT and BottomLoader, with DLang’s usage representing a shift towards newer languages in malware coding, mirroring trends in … Read more

North Korean Hackers Developing Malware in Dlang Programming Language

December 11, 2023 at 10:12AM Lazarus, a North Korea-linked hacking group, has been using the Dlang malware in attacks on organizations in manufacturing, agriculture, and physical security sectors. Cisco’s Talos security researchers identify Lazarus as the perpetrator of these attacks, using the NineRAT, DLRAT, and BottomLoader malware families against unpatched systems. The attacks are related … Read more