DNS Tunneling Abuse Expands to Tracking & Scanning Victims

May 14, 2024 at 10:07AM Attackers are exploiting DNS tunneling to track victims’ network activity and infrastructure vulnerabilities. This advanced technique enables them to hide malicious data within legitimate outbound DNS traffic, evading traditional detection methods. Researchers have identified campaigns using DNS tunneling for tracking user behavior and network scanning, urging organizations to control resolver … Read more

Muddling Meerkat hackers manipulate DNS using China’s Great Firewall

April 29, 2024 at 04:27PM A new cluster of activity known as “Muddling Meerkat” is linked to a Chinese state-sponsored threat actor manipulating global DNS systems since October 2019. Notable for its manipulation of MX records through China’s Great Firewall, the activity exhibits advanced capabilities to provoke false responses and prompt fake DNS queries. The … Read more

China-Linked ‘Muddling Meerkat’ Hijacks DNS to Map Internet on Global Scale

April 29, 2024 at 10:00AM Since October 2019, a new cyber threat, Muddling Meerkat, has used DNS activities to evade security measures and conduct network reconnaissance worldwide. Linked to China, the threat exploits DNS open resolvers and manipulates DNS queries from Chinese IP space. This sophisticated threat involves false MX record responses and may be … Read more