‘KeyTrap’ DNS Bug Threatens Widespread Internet Outages

February 20, 2024 at 01:37PM Researchers recently uncovered a major DNS security flaw, “KeyTrap,” that can potentially cripple large sections of the Internet. Exploiting a flaw in the DNSSEC extension, a single packet can force servers into a loop, consuming computing power and causing widespread outages. Patching efforts are underway, but a more comprehensive solution … Read more

KeyTrap DNS Attack Could Disable Large Parts of Internet: Researchers

February 14, 2024 at 08:03AM A new DNS vulnerability, named KeyTrap or CVE-2023-50387, has been discovered by researchers. The flaw in DNSSEC could potentially allow attackers to disrupt large parts of the internet using a single specially crafted DNS packet. While patches are being released, prevention may require changes to the underlying DNSSEC design. The … Read more