MxD Research Reveals Major Disconnect Between Perceived and Actual Cybersecurity Capabilities in US Manufacturing

July 17, 2024 at 04:55PM The report from MxD and the National Center for Cybersecurity in Manufacturing highlights the urgent need for the U.S. manufacturing sector to enhance its cybersecurity posture. It reveals that manufacturers are overestimating their capabilities and identifies key areas where additional resources can strengthen cybersecurity infrastructure. The report also emphasizes the … Read more

Pentagon Outlines Cybersecurity Strategy for Defense Industrial Base 

March 29, 2024 at 09:24AM The US Department of Defense released a cybersecurity strategy for the defense industrial base (DIB) with four main goals for fiscal years 2024-2027. It aims to protect warfighting capabilities, strengthen DOD governance, improve DIB cybersecurity posture, preserve critical capabilities, and enhance collaboration with the DIB to defend against cyber threats … Read more

NSA Blocked 10 Billion Connections to Malicious and Suspicious Domains

December 20, 2023 at 10:21AM The NSA’s 2023 Cybersecurity Year in Review report highlights its efforts to block 10 billion user connections to malicious domains, focus on protecting national security systems, offer no-cost cybersecurity services to DoD contractors, release six security products, improve vulnerability scanning, promote AI security, and maintain its commitment to privacy and … Read more