Scammers Fake DocuSign Templates to Blackmail & Steal From Companies

May 15, 2024 at 04:44PM Phishing attacks mimicking legitimate DocuSign requests are on the rise due to the availability of fake templates and login credentials in the underground market. Attackers leverage the familiarity of DocuSign emails to trick users into revealing sensitive information. Companies are at risk of data theft and extortion, and employees should … Read more

Everyone’s an Expert: How to Empower Your Employees for Cybersecurity Success

May 1, 2024 at 07:12AM In order to improve security, organizations must recognize the importance of training their staff to become the first line of defense against cyber threats. Security Awareness Training (SAT) aims to educate employees on cybersecurity risks, minimize exposure to threats, and maintain regulatory compliance. However, the efficacy of traditional SAT programs … Read more

SIM swap crooks solicit T-Mobile, Verizon staff via text to do their dirty work

April 16, 2024 at 11:38AM T-Mobile and Verizon employees have reported receiving unsolicited messages offering cash for illegal SIM swaps. The scam involves transferring a user’s phone number to a controlled SIM card, allowing scammers access to private data. T-Mobile is investigating and stated their systems were not breached. It remains unclear how the scammers … Read more

Verizon alerts 63k employees their details were leaked by an insider

February 6, 2024 at 02:05PM Verizon is notifying over 63,000 individuals, mostly employees, about a personal data leak due to an insider’s actions. The leak involved names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and other sensitive information. Most impacted are current employees, with steps being taken to offer credit monitoring and strengthen security measures in response. Summary: … Read more

Are We Ready to Give Up on Security Awareness Training?

December 19, 2023 at 07:15AM Organizations are prioritizing security awareness training despite its low effectiveness. Employees express the need for practical experiences and time allocation for training. Moonlock’s Cybersecuritoons offers short-form cybersecurity content to fit into busy schedules. Feedback transforms and shapes the delivery of training, promoting a security culture and active participation. This evolving … Read more