Russian hacktivists vow mass attacks against EU elections

June 7, 2024 at 06:38AM A pro-Russia hacktivist crew, NoName57(16), and seven other groups have threatened to launch cyber attacks on European internet infrastructure during the EU elections. Their plan is to retaliate against the EU for opposing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Mandiant has linked some of these hacktivists to the Russian military Sandworm gang. … Read more

Information of Hundreds of European Politicians Found on Dark Web

May 31, 2024 at 07:36AM Proton and Constella Intelligence found hundreds of British, French, and European Parliament politicians’ email addresses on dark web marketplaces. 918 addresses were leaked, with 68% of British MPs affected. Proton warned that using government email addresses for third-party services puts politicians and sensitive information at risk, as exposed passwords and … Read more