South Africa National Healthcare Lab Still Reeling from Ransomware Attack

July 3, 2024 at 03:03AM The South African National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) continues to recover from a ransomware attack, causing disruptions in lab testing and access to test results. This adds pressure to the already strained healthcare system, potentially leading to more infections and worsened health outcomes. The government and organizations must enhance cybersecurity … Read more

Ascension Healthcare Suffers Major Cyberattack

May 10, 2024 at 12:47PM Ascension, a healthcare provider operating 140 hospitals, suffered a cyberattack affecting essential systems like electronic health records and patient communication platforms. The organization has paused non-emergency procedures and is diverting some emergency services. Incident response help has been sought, and patient data exposure is being investigated. The attack highlights healthcare’s … Read more

Ascension healthcare takes systems offline after cyberattack

May 8, 2024 at 05:33PM Ascension, a major U.S. nonprofit health system with 140 hospitals and 40 senior care facilities across 19 states and the District of Columbia, has detected a cybersecurity event, prompting the organization to advise business partners to suspend connections to its systems. The incident has disrupted clinical operations, and an investigation … Read more

MedSec Launches Cybersecurity Program For Resource-Constrained Hospitals

April 10, 2024 at 05:22PM MedSec, a medical device security firm, has launched the Hospital Roadmap to Resilience ProgramSM, assisting hospitals in enhancing cybersecurity to protect patients. With a focus on resource-constrained hospitals, the program offers foundational policies, processes, and procedures, enabling informed risk decisions and basic network risk management. MedSec aims to address the … Read more

Healthcare IT Help Desk Employees Targeted in Payment-Hijacking Attacks

April 8, 2024 at 09:54AM Healthcare and public health (HPH) organizations are being targeted by threat actors aiming to infiltrate corporate networks and divert payments. The US Department of Health warns of a recent attack in which an IT help desk employee was impersonated over the phone to gain network access and initiate unauthorized payment … Read more

White House Budget Proposal Seeks Cybersecurity Funding Boost 

March 13, 2024 at 10:45AM The White House has released a $7.3 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2025, emphasizing increased cybersecurity spending. This includes specific allocations such as $13 billion across civilian departments, $3 billion for the cybersecurity agency CISA, and additional funding for the Justice Department and healthcare sector. The budget also addresses … Read more

Biden’s budget proposal boosts CISA funding to $3b

March 12, 2024 at 02:37PM President Joe Biden has proposed a $103 million increase in funding for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), as part of the $7.3 trillion spending plan for fiscal year 2025. The plan also allocates $13 billion for improving cybersecurity across government agencies. Additionally, the budget includes cybersecurity funding for … Read more

Cybersecurity for Healthcare—Diagnosing the Threat Landscape and Prescribing Solutions for Recovery

February 21, 2024 at 05:09AM The 2023 Thanksgiving Day witnessed ransomware attacks on U.S. hospitals, adversely affecting patient care. Small healthcare organizations are targeted due to vulnerable cybersecurity defenses and limited budgets, leading to compromised patient safety and hefty ransom payments. The healthcare sector needs advanced security measures, such as Managed EDR, and employee training … Read more

How Hospitals Can Help Improve Medical Device Data Security

February 8, 2024 at 10:06AM Hospitals and medical device manufacturers must collaborate to protect personal health information from cyber threats. This shared responsibility model requires manufacturers to embed security controls in products, while hospitals ensure their proper use. Manufacturers provide guidelines and materials for hospitals to optimize security measures. Collaboration is vital to maintain a … Read more

Hospitals Must Treat Patient Data and Health With Equal Care

January 11, 2024 at 10:36AM Hospitals, being custodians of highly sensitive patient data, are prime targets for cyberattacks. The healthcare industry, a gold mine of personal data, faces an 88% likelihood of cyber assaults. Data breaches result in financial losses and reputational damage, necessitating hospitals to fortify their cybersecurity measures and cultivate a culture of … Read more