Chinese Hackers Deploy SpiceRAT and SugarGh0st in Global Espionage Campaign

June 21, 2024 at 10:45AM The SneakyChef, a Chinese-speaking threat actor, has conducted an espionage campaign targeting government agencies in Asia and EMEA since August 2023. They have used SugarGh0st malware and a new remote access trojan codenamed SpiceRAT, employing various infection chains and techniques, expanding their scope to countries including Angola, India, Latvia, Saudi … Read more

Ducktail Malware Targets the Fashion Industry

November 13, 2023 at 02:13PM Ducktail, a cybercriminal group, is targeting marketing professionals in the fashion industry with a malware campaign. The malware, disguised as a PDF file, aims to steal Facebook business and ads accounts. The attack is tailored to exploit specific professional demographics and demonstrates an evolving sophistication in Ducktail’s attack techniques. Organizations … Read more