Cloudflare: We never authorized to use our name

June 27, 2024 at 05:25AM Cloudflare issues a warning about the unauthorized usage of its name and logo on, as the latter was involved in a supply chain attack injecting malware on websites. Cloudflare automatically replaces links with safe ones for user safety. An automatic URL rewriting service has been released for Cloudflare … Read more

Cybercriminals pose as “helpful” Stack Overflow users to push malware

May 29, 2024 at 07:25PM Cybercriminals have been using Stack Overflow to spread malware, posing as helpful contributors answering users’ questions about a PyPi package named ‘pytoileur’ which actually installs Windows information-stealing malware. This malicious package is part of the ‘Cool package’ campaign and was promoted through typo-squatting and Stack Overflow answers. Developers are urged … Read more

WordPress Bug ‘Patch’ Installs Backdoor for Full Site Takeover

December 5, 2023 at 11:21AM Cybercriminals are circulating a bogus WordPress security email, claiming to resolve a fake RCE vulnerability with a “patch” that is actually a backdoor for site hijacking. No infections are reported yet, but users are urged not to install the offered plugin and to be wary of phishing attempts. Meeting Takeaways: … Read more

Open-source Blender project battling DDoS attacks since Saturday

November 22, 2023 at 11:14AM Blender, the 3D design suite, has confirmed that recent site outages were caused by ongoing DDoS attacks. The attacks started on Saturday and have severely disrupted operations. Attempts to block the attackers have been unsuccessful, with over 240 million bogus requests directed at Blender’s servers. The main website has been … Read more

MySQL Servers, Docker Hosts Infected With DDoS Malware

November 14, 2023 at 11:39AM Researchers from AhnLab Security Emergency Response Center have warned that attackers are targeting MySQL servers and Docker hosts to infect them with malware capable of launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The malware, known as Ddostf, is a DDoS-capable botnet of Chinese origin. Attackers scan for vulnerable MySQL servers and upload … Read more