Is Defense Winning? A Look at Decades of Playing Catch Up

June 27, 2024 at 01:20PM At Black Hat USA 2024, Jason Healey will present “Is Defense Winning?” examining the perpetual struggle between cybersecurity defenders and attackers. He emphasizes the need for measurable indicators to gauge defensive progress, suggesting changes akin to climate change metrics. He advocates leveraging systemic changes and existing reports to establish defensibility … Read more

4 Ways Organizations Can Drive Demand for Software Security Training

February 27, 2024 at 01:06PM Summary: The cybersecurity landscape for organizations creating their own software is increasingly risky due to various forces. There is a shortage of skilled cybersecurity personnel, a worsening threat landscape, and potential legislative changes. Companies can address this by empowering their developers through secure coding, security training, identifying champions, offering incentives, … Read more