Somebody Just Killed the Mozi Botnet

November 3, 2023 at 02:46PM The Mozi botnet, once the most prolific in the world, has been effectively shut down by a kill switch triggered in August. The botnet, which enabled Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and compromised Internet of Things (IoT) devices, is now largely non-functional. Researchers speculate that the creators or the … Read more

Mozi botnet murder mystery: China or criminal operators behind the kill switch?

November 1, 2023 at 04:04PM The Mozi botnet, which accounted for 90% of all malicious IoT network traffic, has disappeared after a kill switch was discovered. The “Who killed Mozi?” question remains unanswered. ESET Research found the kill switch, which deactivated the malware and disabled certain functions. The investigation suggests that either the original Mozi … Read more

Mozi Botnet Likely Killed by Its Creators

November 1, 2023 at 12:54PM Recent research from cybersecurity firm ESET suggests that the shutdown of the Mozi botnet was likely deliberate and initiated by its operators, possibly under pressure from Chinese authorities. Mozi was a highly active botnet responsible for a significant portion of IoT botnet traffic. ESET discovered a kill switch that disabled … Read more