Heartbleed is 10 Years Old – Farewell Heartbleed, Hello QuantumBleed!

April 2, 2024 at 07:09AM The Heartbleed bug turned ten years old on April 1, posing a risk of reoccurrence due to quantum computing. The bug, identified in 2014, affected a vast portion of the internet, allowing attackers to steal sensitive data. Quantum decryption could amplify this threat, leading to potential economic and security crises. … Read more

KyberSlash attacks put quantum encryption projects at risk

January 7, 2024 at 03:37PM The Kyber key encapsulation mechanism, including its official implementation CRYSTALS-Kyber, has been found vulnerable to flaws known collectively as KyberSlash, allowing the recovery of secret keys. Timing-based attacks and patches for KyberSlash1 and KyberSlash2 have been identified, affecting various projects, with efforts underway to address the issue. The impact varies … Read more