‘CrystalRay’ Expands Arsenal, Hits 1,500 Targets with SSH-Snake and Open Source Tools

July 11, 2024 at 10:48AM CrystalRay, a threat actor, has expanded their operations since the February attacks. They utilize SSH-Snake, an automated worm-like tool, for hacking purposes and have added mass scanning, open source software exploitation, and credential theft to their arsenal. Their use of open source and penetration testing tools enables them to maintain … Read more

From Open Source to Enterprise Ready: 4 Pillars to Meet Your Security Requirements

February 26, 2024 at 10:58AM Open-source security tools are valuable for exploring practice areas and associated technologies, but deploying them for enterprise security needs can lead to higher Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) than enterprise-ready solutions. Scaling, performance, management, and support challenges make it crucial to prioritize enterprise-ready solutions for production environments, especially in threat … Read more

Using Wazuh to build a cybersecurity architecture with open source tools

January 17, 2024 at 10:07AM Cybersecurity architecture involves designing an organization’s approach to securing its information systems. It aims to establish a resilient defense against cyber threats. Leveraging open source tools offers cost-effectiveness and flexibility. Selecting tools like Wazuh, ClamAV, Suricata, pfSense, ModSecurity, VeraCrypt, OpenDLP, and OpenVAS helps build a robust cybersecurity architecture. Wazuh, in … Read more

New Threat Actor Uses SQL Injection Attacks to Steal Data From APAC Companies

December 14, 2023 at 11:18AM Group-IB reports a new hacking group, GambleForce, targeting 24 organizations in Asia-Pacific using SQL injections and CMS vulnerabilities to steal sensitive information. The group relies on open source tools and has successfully exfiltrated data from organizations in Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and South Korea. GambleForce’s C&C has been taken down … Read more