The Emerging Role of AI in Open-Source Intelligence

July 3, 2024 at 08:18AM The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) introduced a new strategy for open-source intelligence (OSINT), highlighting its significance in information gathering. The exponential growth of digital data has challenged traditional OSINT methods, but Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing the field, enabling more efficient data … Read more

Kaspersky accused of helping Russia develop military drone systems

May 3, 2024 at 05:34PM OSINT intelligence suggests that US may consider imposing sanctions on Kaspersky due to its alleged involvement with Russian drone development in the Ukraine war. InformNapalm claims data from stolen documents indicate Kaspersky’s role in Albatross drone technology, leading to potential sanctions. Kaspersky denies most allegations, citing contextual misrepresentation and a … Read more

Where Hackers Find Your Weak Spots

April 22, 2024 at 10:10AM Cyber scammers frequently use social engineering to infiltrate organizations through four phases: information gathering, relationship development, exploitation, and execution. Attackers gather intelligence from OSINT, SOCMINT, ADINT, DARKINT, and AI-INT to launch targeted social engineering scams. Businesses can lower the risk by training staff, drafting AI-use policies, and leveraging the same … Read more