How to identify unknown assets while pen testing

August 27, 2024 at 10:19AM External Attack Surface Management (EASM) bridges gaps in traditional penetration testing, addressing overlooked risks in an organization’s digital defenses. An Informa Tech survey highlights limited coverage and frequency issues of penetration testing, leaving organizations vulnerable to cyber threats. Integrating EASM with Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) provides comprehensive visibility … Read more

How Pentesting-as-a-Service can Reduce Overall Security Costs

March 28, 2024 at 11:47AM Traditional penetration testing, while important, can lead to hidden costs and inefficiencies. Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) offers continuous monitoring, real-time testing, and enhanced collaboration. It provides more significant ROI and reduces the total costs of security. Outpost24’s PTaaS solution is a robust alternative to traditional pen testing, better … Read more

The Dual Role AI Plays in Cybersecurity: How to Stay Ahead

January 16, 2024 at 10:23AM AI solutions are gaining traction in business, with 33% of organizations using generative AI. By 2026, over 80% are projected to have their own AI models. However, AI is being exploited for cybercrimes, including enhancing social engineering, spreading malware, and increasing malware stealth. Organizations need robust cybersecurity measures to combat … Read more

How Continuous Pen Testing Protects Web Apps from Emerging Threats

November 29, 2023 at 10:50AM The increasing reliance on web-based apps for various tasks makes them prime targets for hackers due to multiple dependencies, valuable data storage, and insecure APIs. Successful breaches can cause data loss, reputational damage, and spread malware. Continuous monitoring, like Outpost24’s PTaaS, is crucial for real-time vulnerability identification and mitigation. Meeting … Read more