Crook brags about US Army and $75b defense biz pwnage

May 15, 2024 at 06:37PM IntelBroker claims to have stolen data from US Army Aviation and Missile Command, including maintenance tasks, PDFs, and software code. They are offering access to a $75B aerospace and defense company, with a history of targeting law enforcement and government agencies. The authenticity of the claims is still being investigated … Read more

Pentagon Outlines Cybersecurity Strategy for Defense Industrial Base 

March 29, 2024 at 09:24AM The US Department of Defense released a cybersecurity strategy for the defense industrial base (DIB) with four main goals for fiscal years 2024-2027. It aims to protect warfighting capabilities, strengthen DOD governance, improve DIB cybersecurity posture, preserve critical capabilities, and enhance collaboration with the DIB to defend against cyber threats … Read more

DoD Gets Closer to Nominating Cyber Policy Chief

October 20, 2023 at 03:01PM The RAND Corporation has submitted its research on the creation of an assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy, assigned by the Pentagon. The US Defense Department is currently reviewing the results, but it will be months before a formal nomination is made. Potential candidates include Mieke Eoyang and Michael … Read more