Gamaredon’s LittleDrifter USB malware spreads beyond Ukraine

November 20, 2023 at 05:34PM LittleDrifter is a recently discovered worm that spreads through USB drives and has infected systems in multiple countries. It is believed to be part of a campaign by the Gamaredon state-sponsored espionage group. The malware establishes communication with the group’s command and control server and spreads through USB drives using … Read more

Magecart Campaign Hijacks 404 Pages to Steal Data

October 11, 2023 at 12:53PM Cybercriminal groups behind the Magecart payment-card theft campaigns have developed a new technique to hide their credit card skimming code. They have started hiding JavaScript code in a comment on a targeted website’s 404 error page. By modifying other pages on the site to include a call to a nonexistent … Read more

A Frontline Report of Chinese Threat Actor Tactics and Techniques

October 11, 2023 at 12:09AM Microsoft analysts and researchers analyze trillions of signals daily to uncover emerging threats and provide timely security insights. They focus on nation-state groups to understand their activities within geopolitical trends. With the shift to remote work due to COVID-19, cybercriminals are exploiting system vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to access sensitive resources … Read more