Ransomware Gang Claims Cyberattack on Planned Parenthood

September 5, 2024 at 02:48PM Ransomware gang RansomHub claims to have stolen 93 GB of data from nonprofit Planned Parenthood, threatening to publish it unless a ransom is paid. The cybercriminal group has targeted over 200 victims, including organizations in various sectors. Planned Parenthood confirmed a cyberattack and is working to address the incident while … Read more

Hackers Threaten to Release Stolen Data From Planned Parenthood of Montana

September 5, 2024 at 01:36PM Planned Parenthood of Montana reported a cybersecurity incident, with hackers affiliated with RansomHub stealing 93GB of data and giving a ransom ultimatum. It’s unclear if patient files were affected. The incident will likely become politicized due to the organization’s association with abortion care. The group is working to restore its … Read more

Planned Parenthood confirms cyberattack as RansomHub claims breach

September 5, 2024 at 01:36AM Planned Parenthood experienced a cyberattack, prompting the organization to shut down parts of its IT systems to mitigate the impact. Based on the meeting notes, it appears that Planned Parenthood experienced a cyberattack that impacted its IT systems, leading to the need to take certain parts of its infrastructure offline … Read more