Quad7 Botnet Expands to Target SOHO Routers and VPN Appliances

September 11, 2024 at 01:06PM The mysterious Quad7 botnet is actively evolving by compromising various SOHO routers and VPN appliances using a mix of known and unknown security flaws. The operators are advancing their toolset, introducing a new backdoor and exploring new protocols to enhance stealth. The botnet has infected devices from several brands and … Read more

Quad7 botnet targets more SOHO and VPN routers, media servers

September 9, 2024 at 05:30PM The Quad7 botnet is expanding its operations to target additional SOHO devices with new custom malware for Zyxel VPN appliances, Ruckus wireless routers, and Axentra media servers. It is evolving by setting up new staging servers, launching new botnet clusters, employing backdoors and reverse shells, and moving away from SOCKS … Read more