Healthcare IT Help Desk Employees Targeted in Payment-Hijacking Attacks

April 8, 2024 at 09:54AM Healthcare and public health (HPH) organizations are being targeted by threat actors aiming to infiltrate corporate networks and divert payments. The US Department of Health warns of a recent attack in which an IT help desk employee was impersonated over the phone to gain network access and initiate unauthorized payment … Read more

Ransomware payment rates drop to new low – only 29% of victims are forking over cash

January 31, 2024 at 02:20PM Ransomware payments dropped to 29% in Q4 2023, down from 85% in 2019. Coveware attributes the decline to increased awareness and reluctance to trust data kidnappers due to high-profile incidents where payments led to nothing. A payment ban is discouraged, with reporting requirements and changing victim incentives seen as more … Read more