Black Kite Unveils Monthly Ransomware Dashboards

January 26, 2024 at 05:05PM Black Kite unveiled the first monthly ransomware dashboard, offering insights on ransomware groups, victims, and attack patterns. December’s research revealed common compromise indicators and the emergence of the WereWolves ransomware group targeting U.S., Europe, and Russia. The dashboard also highlighted industry-specific cyber-risks and evolving tactics of ransomware groups for informed … Read more

Decryptor for Babuk ransomware variant released after hacker arrested

January 9, 2024 at 11:47AM Researchers from Cisco Talos and the Dutch police obtained a decryption tool for the Tortilla variant of Babuk ransomware, leading to the arrest of the operator. This variant emerged after the original malware leaked. The threat actor targeted Microsoft Exchange servers using ProxyShell exploits. Avast released a decrypter for Babuk … Read more