Google Unveils RETVec – Gmail’s New Defense Against Spam and Malicious Emails

November 30, 2023 at 08:30AM Google launched RETVec, a multilingual text vectorizer to enhance Gmail’s detection of harmful content such as spam and phishing emails. RETVec counters evasion tactics like typos or homoglyphs and supports over 100 languages. It improved spam detection by 38%, reduced false positives, and cut computational costs. Here are the key … Read more

Google’s RETVec Open Source Text Vectorizer Bolsters Malicious Email Detection

November 30, 2023 at 06:06AM Google’s new RETVec, a multilingual text vectorizer, has improved Gmail’s spam detection by 38%, reducing false positives/negatives while enhancing performance. RETVec, efficient and resilient, requires no text preprocessing, works with all languages, and is now open source with a tutorial available. Takeaways from the Meeting Notes: 1. Google has developed … Read more