U.S. Seizes 32 Pro-Russian Propaganda Domains in Major Disinformation Crackdown

September 5, 2024 at 09:21AM The U.S. Department of Justice seized 32 internet domains used by a pro-Russian propaganda operation called Doppelganger, accusing companies of covertly spreading Russian government propaganda. The Treasury Department sanctioned 10 individuals and two entities. In conjunction, the DoJ announced the indictment of two RT employees for funding and disseminating videos … Read more

U.S. Seizes Domains Used by AI-Powered Russian Bot Farm for Disinformation

July 12, 2024 at 04:37AM The U.S. Department of Justice seized domains and searched social media accounts used by Russian threat actors to spread pro-Kremlin disinformation. The bot network, allegedly sponsored by the Kremlin, aimed to further Russian interests by creating fictitious online personas. The operation marks the first time the U.S. publicly attributed a … Read more

US and partners disrupt bot farm pushing Russian propaganda

July 9, 2024 at 05:16PM A large bot farm, managed by a deputy editor-in-chief at the Russian state-run news organization Russia Today (RT) and a Russian FSB officer, was dismantled by the U.S. Justice Department. The bots, driven by AI software named Meliorator, disseminated disinformation on Twitter targeting global users since 2022. This operation aimed … Read more

Russian Cyberattackers Launch Multi-Phase PsyOps Campaign

February 22, 2024 at 02:49PM Russian-linked threat actors carried out Operation Texonto, a multi-wave campaign targeting Ukraine. The operation involved PsyOps and spear-phishing to spread misinformation and steal Microsoft 365 credentials across Europe. It ran in two waves from October-December 2023. The tactics employed aimed to influence Ukrainian citizens and featured fake Microsoft login pages … Read more

Russia’s AI-Powered Disinformation Operation Targeting Ukraine, US, and Germany

December 5, 2023 at 10:07AM The Doppelganger operation, linked to Russia, uses fake websites and social media to spread disinformation and manipulate opinion in Ukraine, the U.S., and Germany. It employs advanced obfuscation and AI to create counterfeit articles, with recent campaigns targeting political issues in the U.S. and Europe. Meta disrupts similar influence operations. … Read more

AI Helps Uncover Russian State-Sponsored Disinformation in Hungary

November 21, 2023 at 09:43AM Hungarian media has been heavily focused on three topics: arms deliveries, EU sanctions, and ethnic minorities, according to researchers analyzing thousands of articles. The researchers found that the narratives in Hungarian media matched those of Russian propaganda publications. Machine learning (ML) was used to analyze the articles, and the results … Read more