Turkish APT ‘Sea Turtle’ Resurfaces to Spy on Kurdish Opposition

January 9, 2024 at 12:38PM A group affiliated with the Turkish government has increased politically driven cyber-espionage activities targeting Kurdish opposition groups in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Sea Turtle, previously dormant, has resurfaced, carrying out campaigns targeting organizations in the Netherlands. The attacks focus on reaching websites associated with Kurds and the … Read more

Turkish hackers Sea Turtle expand attacks to Dutch ISPs, telcos

January 8, 2024 at 03:46PM Sea Turtle, a Turkish state-backed cyber espionage group, has expanded its spying campaigns to the Netherlands, targeting telcos, media, ISPs, and Kurdish websites. Using DNS hijacking and traffic redirection, they conduct man-in-the-middle attacks to acquire economic and political intelligence aligned with Turkish interests. Analysts at Hunt & Hackett observed these … Read more

Turkish Cyberspies Targeting Netherlands

January 8, 2024 at 09:54AM A cyberespionage group, likely linked to Turkey, named Sea Turtle, Cosmic Wolf, Marbled Dust, Silicon, and Teal Kurma, has been targeting public and private organizations in the Netherlands. The group, observed by Dutch incident response provider Hunt & Hackett, conducted multiple espionage campaigns focusing on government, telecommunications, media, NGOs, ISPs, … Read more