How Exceptional CISOs Are Igniting the Security Fire in Their Development Team

August 20, 2024 at 07:18AM CISOs are facing challenges in justifying cybersecurity ROI, influencing security-first mindset, and addressing complex threat landscape. The need for a new approach is evident to uplift security culture and bridge the gap between developers. DevSecOps and continuous skills development are necessary to achieve next-level secure development and effective security programs. … Read more

Cybersecurity’s Real Challenge Is Communication, Not Just Technology

August 14, 2024 at 10:06AM In business, strong relationships across teams are crucial, especially in cybersecurity. Communication remains a challenge for security teams, with automation emerging as a key enabler to facilitate cross-departmental collaboration. Building a shared culture of vigilance and open communication is essential for effective incident management and to strengthen the security posture … Read more

Scathing Federal Report Rips Microsoft for Shoddy Security, Insincerity in Response to Chinese Hack

April 3, 2024 at 09:18AM A review board appointed by the Biden administration heavily criticized Microsoft’s corporate security and transparency. The report highlighted a cascade of errors that allowed state-backed Chinese cyber operators to breach email accounts of senior U.S. officials. The board urged substantial security improvements and a cultural change at Microsoft to prevent … Read more

Australian spy chief fears sabotage of critical infrastructure

February 28, 2024 at 09:04PM ASIO’s director general, Mike Burgess, warned of ongoing threats from adversaries trying to disrupt critical infrastructure through cyber attacks. He noted increased interest in sabotage from terrorists, foreign spies, and extremists, highlighting a nation-state’s sophisticated reconnaissance efforts. Burgess also revealed a foreign intelligence group’s subversion of an Australian politician and … Read more

F5 Names Samir Sherif as New CISO

January 23, 2024 at 06:54AM F5 announced that Samir Sherif is named Senior Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer. In the role, he will lead the enterprise cybersecurity strategy, security culture, and oversee cybersecurity standards and programs. Sherif has previously served as CISO at Absolute Software and Imperva and had a long career at … Read more

Beyond Protocols: How Team Camaraderie Fortifies Security

January 4, 2024 at 08:42AM The text emphasizes the importance of team dynamics in achieving security goals. It highlights that a team that enjoys working together is essential for efficiency and effectiveness. A well-functioning team leads to better collaboration, problem-solving, productivity, trust, and reputation. It concludes that investing in a healthy team culture is a … Read more

I Securely Resolve: CISOs, IT Security Leaders Share 2024 Resolutions

December 29, 2023 at 09:05AM Cybersecurity leaders have outlined New Year’s resolutions for 2024. These include bolstering defenses through proactive measures, operational enhancements, and reactive capabilities. Emphasizing the importance of assessing and updating business continuity and incident response plans is coupled with a strong focus on fundamental detection, prevention, and response capabilities. New technologies, evolving … Read more

The Role of the CISO in Digital Transformation

November 21, 2023 at 03:59PM The role of the chief information security officer (CISO) is becoming increasingly important as organizations modernize their workflows and migrate to the cloud. The CISO must balance innovation and security, collaborate with other leaders, and ensure security is considered at all stages of the process. A strong CISO collaborates with … Read more

When Good Security Awareness Programs Go Wrong

November 9, 2023 at 02:13PM An email sent by a company informing employees about a holiday bonus turned out to be a phishing simulation. Employees were required to fill out a form with personal details to claim the bonus, failing the test instead. Instead of receiving the bonus, they were mandated to take security awareness … Read more

From Snooze to Enthuse: Security Awareness Training That Sticks

October 20, 2023 at 05:32PM Employees experience a physical “escape room” to enhance security awareness. They role-play as criminal social engineers and identify vulnerabilities in a mock office space. The aim is for employees to understand the importance of physical security and remember practices like keeping whiteboards clean, locking laptops, and hiding or shredding documents. … Read more