Will Smaller Companies Buckle Under the SEC’s New Requirements?

July 12, 2024 at 10:13AM The SEC’s new incident reporting requirements are raising concerns among security professionals and government bodies. Arguments include duplication of existing legislation, challenges in early disclosure of breach information, and the burden on smaller companies. Small organizations can mitigate the impact by familiarizing themselves with major security frameworks and building a … Read more

Gaining and Retaining Security Talent: A Cheat Sheet for CISOs

June 26, 2024 at 08:57AM The joint study by ISC2 and CIISec offers guidance for CISOs on recruiting and retaining security talent amidst a severe skills shortage. The report challenges the notion of solely seeking technical qualifications, encouraging a focus on aptitude, diversity, and soft skills. It also emphasizes methods to maintain team cohesion and … Read more

CISO Conversations: Jason Rebholz and Jason Ozin From the Insurance Sector

January 8, 2024 at 07:30AM CISO Conversations with insurance sector leaders, Jason Rebholz and Jason Ozin, detail their unconventional paths to becoming cybersecurity leaders. They stress the importance of knowledge, ambition, and building a diverse team. They also highlight the need to address burnout and future threats, such as third-party risks and evolving hacking techniques. … Read more