AI Won’t Solve Cybersecurity’s Retention Problem

March 20, 2024 at 10:07AM Encouraging more women and minorities to pursue cybersecurity careers is essential for addressing retention and skills gaps in the field. Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaway is the need to encourage more women and minorities to pursue careers in cybersecurity in order to address retention and skills gaps … Read more

Broke Cyber Pros Flock to Cybercrime Side Hustles

March 8, 2024 at 04:51PM A new trend in cybersecurity sees professionals turning to the Dark Web for extra income, posing challenges for enterprises and raising concerns about insider threats. With layoffs and economic uncertainty driving this shift, industry experts stress the need for improved employment, training, and support to address the skills gap and … Read more

2023 Review: Reflecting on Cybersecurity Trends

December 7, 2023 at 03:52PM In their podcast, Trend Micro’s Greg Young and William Malik reviewed 2023’s cybersecurity trends, revealing overestimations in AI threat predictions and blockchain utility in security. They discussed the prevalent issues of tool sprawl and skills shortage, noting organizations’ roles in employee cyber-awareness and calling for joint efforts in workforce development. … Read more

Infosec pros can secure IT, but have harder time securing job satisfaction

November 2, 2023 at 02:03PM The cybersecurity industry is seeing a rise in burnout rates, with a significant proportion of professionals reporting low levels of happiness at work. Issues such as departmental cutbacks, the threat of layoffs, and lack of managerial support contribute to the reduction in overall happiness. The threat of future layoffs has … Read more