U.S. Seizes 32 Pro-Russian Propaganda Domains in Major Disinformation Crackdown

September 5, 2024 at 09:21AM The U.S. Department of Justice seized 32 internet domains used by a pro-Russian propaganda operation called Doppelganger, accusing companies of covertly spreading Russian government propaganda. The Treasury Department sanctioned 10 individuals and two entities. In conjunction, the DoJ announced the indictment of two RT employees for funding and disseminating videos … Read more

Indian Army Propaganda Spread by 1.4K AI-Powered Social Media Accounts

September 5, 2024 at 12:05AM A network of fake social media accounts promoting Indian government and military propaganda has been uncovered after three years. The operation involves at least 500 Facebook and 904 X accounts posting content favoring Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration and casting aspersions on China, the Maldives, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. The campaign, … Read more

Pro-Iran groups lay groundwork for ‘chaos and violence’ as US election meddling intensifies

August 9, 2024 at 09:11AM Microsoft has reported an increase in Iranian efforts to influence the upcoming US presidential election, indicating potential activity to incite violence against key figures. They highlighted the distinct characteristics of Iranian influence operations as well as the involvement of state-sponsored groups with different objectives and methods. Concerns also surround Russia’s … Read more

US Disrupts AI-Powered Russian Bot Farm on X

July 10, 2024 at 07:48AM Russian government-backed threat actors have utilized the Meliorator software’s artificial intelligence features to create fake online personas and disseminate disinformation about multiple countries. This tool allows the mass creation of seemingly authentic social media accounts and the perpetuation of false narratives. The US has seized domain names used for this … Read more

Russia’s AI-Powered Disinformation Operation Targeting Ukraine, US, and Germany

December 5, 2023 at 10:07AM The Doppelganger operation, linked to Russia, uses fake websites and social media to spread disinformation and manipulate opinion in Ukraine, the U.S., and Germany. It employs advanced obfuscation and AI to create counterfeit articles, with recent campaigns targeting political issues in the U.S. and Europe. Meta disrupts similar influence operations. … Read more