Steam game mod breached to push password-stealing malware

December 29, 2023 at 11:09AM The popular Slay the Spire indie game fan expansion, Downfall, was breached on Christmas Day, distributing the Epsilon information stealer malware via a Steam update. The compromised package was a modified version of the game, not a mod. The attackers hijacked the developer’s Steam and Discord accounts to upload the … Read more

Game mod on Steam breached to push password-stealing malware

December 28, 2023 at 04:20PM The popular Slay the Spire fan expansion, Downfall, was breached on Christmas Day, distributing the Epsilon information stealer malware via the Steam update system. The compromised package was a prepackaged standalone modified version of the game and not a mod installed via Steam Workshop. The attackers gained control of the … Read more

Steam enforces SMS verification to curb malware-ridden updates

October 15, 2023 at 01:53PM Valve is implementing additional security measures on Steam to address the recent outbreak of malware being pushed from compromised publisher accounts. Starting October 24, game developers will be required to pass an SMS-based security check before pushing updates, and the same requirement will be enforced for adding new users to … Read more