Stress-Testing Our Security Assumptions in a World of New & Novel Risks

July 2, 2024 at 10:07AM The text discusses the need for a future-resilient approach to security, stressing the importance of challenging existing assumptions to strengthen security plans. It highlights the four categories for stress-testing assumptions: Referent, Affect, Interdependence, and Governance. The approach involves questioning fundamental assumptions to build resilience in the face of uncertain future … Read more

Dutch Engineer Used Water Pump to Get Billion-Dollar Stuxnet Malware Into Iranian Nuclear Facility: Report

January 10, 2024 at 07:09AM Engineer employed by intelligence agencies used a water pump to introduce Stuxnet into Iranian nuclear facility. Reportedly, Stuxnet’s development cost $1-2 billion. (Summary: 32 words) From the meeting notes, it is clear that an engineer recruited by intelligence services utilized a water pump to deliver the Stuxnet malware, which is … Read more