California Advances Unique Safety Regulations for AI Companies Despite Tech Firm opposition

July 4, 2024 at 12:33PM California lawmakers advanced legislation requiring AI companies to test their systems to prevent potential harm, such as disrupting the electric grid or building chemical weapons. The bill, fiercely opposed by tech companies, aims to regulate AI safety standards and oversight. It also addresses concerns about AI discrimination and data privacy, … Read more

First Major Attempts to Regulate AI Face Headwinds From All Sides

April 19, 2024 at 09:48AM Major proposals for reining in AI bias in decision making face opposition from various groups and the industry. Lawmakers in states like Colorado, Connecticut, and Texas are pushing for more transparency and legal recourse for AI discrimination, while the industry expresses tentative support but resists accountability measures. Bipartisan lawmakers stress … Read more

Key Lawmakers Float New Rules for Personal Data Protection; Bill Would Make Privacy a Consumer Right

April 8, 2024 at 09:54AM Two influential lawmakers, Sen. Maria Cantwell and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers from Washington state, have outlined a bipartisan deal to enhance privacy protections for Americans’ personal data. The proposal includes defining privacy as a consumer right, imposing new rules on data collection, and creating a new bureau within the FTC … Read more

White House Wades Into Debate on ‘Open’ Versus ‘Closed’ Artificial Intelligence Systems

February 24, 2024 at 02:45PM The Biden administration seeks public input on the benefits and risks of open-source versus closed powerful AI systems, as part of an executive order. Tech companies vary in their approach, with some advocating for open models for innovation, while others prioritize safety. Google has released an open model called Gemma, … Read more