Chameleon Banking Trojan Makes a Comeback Cloaked as CRM App

August 7, 2024 at 01:43PM The Chameleon Android banking Trojan has resurfaced with new security-bypass features, posing as a CRM application to target employees in the hospitality sector and businesses in Canada and Europe. The malware’s advanced abilities to bypass Android 13+ restrictions and masquerade as security applications signify a growing risk to organizations and … Read more

Chameleon Android Banking Trojan Targets Users Through Fake CRM App

August 7, 2024 at 03:30AM Cybersecurity researchers uncovered a new tactic used by threat actors behind the Chameleon Android banking trojan. Masquerading as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) app, the campaign targeted a Canadian restaurant chain and expanded to Europe. The malicious app deceives users with fake login pages to deploy the Chameleon payload, enabling … Read more

LightSpy Spyware’s macOS Variant Found with Advanced Surveillance Capabilities

June 7, 2024 at 12:06PM Cybersecurity researchers have discovered that the LightSpy spyware targeting Apple iOS users is actually an undocumented macOS variant, capable of infecting various platforms and devices. The macOS version has been active since January 2024, with capabilities to harvest various types of information and intercept communications. The ongoing development sheds light … Read more

Powerful ‘Brokewell’ Android Trojan Allows Attackers to Takeover Devices

April 26, 2024 at 10:18AM Newly identified Android Trojan, Brokewell, poses significant threat by stealing user information and granting attackers control over infected devices. Disguised as fake updates, it can steal credentials and browser cookies, log device events, act as spyware, and facilitate screen streaming. ThreatFabric warns of potential widespread impact and continual evolution of … Read more

Vultur banking malware for Android poses as McAfee Security app

March 30, 2024 at 12:02PM Security researchers discovered an advanced version of the Vultur banking trojan for Android, distributed through Google Play. The trojan, targeted at banking apps in 15 countries, utilizes a hybrid attack involving smishing and phone calls. It includes new malware dropper ‘Brunhilda’ and features for remote control and evasion, indicating ongoing … Read more

Anatsa Android malware downloaded 150,000 times via Google Play

February 19, 2024 at 08:38AM The Anatsa banking trojan has targeted Android users in Europe by using Google Play-hosted malware droppers. Security firm ThreatFabric detected five campaigns in the UK, Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, leading to 150,000 infections. The trojan uses dropper apps to infect devices and has evolved to bypass … Read more

Chameleon Android Malware Can Bypass Biometric Security

December 22, 2023 at 12:54PM The Chameleon Android banking trojan, detected by ThreatFabric, has expanded its reach to the UK and Italy from its initial targets in Australia and Poland. The malware employs various tactics, such as phishing pages and accessing Accessibility Services, to perform Account Takeover and Device Takeover attacks, targeting banking and cryptocurrency … Read more

Chameleon Android Banking Trojan Variant Bypasses Biometric Authentication

December 21, 2023 at 12:18PM Cybersecurity researchers identified an updated version of Android banking malware “Chameleon,” which expanded its targeting to include users in the U.K. and Italy. The malware excels in executing Device Takeover using the accessibility service and is now being delivered via Zombinder. The latest findings also revealed its ability to disrupt … Read more

Android malware Chameleon disables Fingerprint Unlock to steal PINs

December 21, 2023 at 09:33AM The Chameleon Android banking trojan is back with new tricks, disabling biometrics to steal PINs on Android devices. This upgraded version evades detection by posing as Google Chrome through the Zombinder service. It now targets Android 13 and 14, bypassing security settings to gain accessibility permissions and disrupting biometric operations. … Read more