Clutch Security Launches With NHI Platform

July 31, 2024 at 07:40AM Clutch Security offers a Universal Non-Human Identity (NHI) Security platform to help enterprises manage non-human identities like API keys, tokens, and service accounts. The platform provides visibility into these identities, identifies associated risks, and offers tailored remediation advice. The company also announced an $8.5 million seed funding round led by … Read more

A Frontline Report of Chinese Threat Actor Tactics and Techniques

October 11, 2023 at 12:09AM Microsoft analysts and researchers analyze trillions of signals daily to uncover emerging threats and provide timely security insights. They focus on nation-state groups to understand their activities within geopolitical trends. With the shift to remote work due to COVID-19, cybercriminals are exploiting system vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to access sensitive resources … Read more