New kids on the ransomware block in 2023: Akira and 8Base lead dozens of newbies

February 6, 2024 at 05:22AM In 2023, over 25 new ransomware gangs emerged, with Akira and 8Base emerging as the most successful. Despite increased law enforcement attention and high competition, these gangs thrived, while many others failed to survive. The full list of new gangs in 2023 and their status was provided. Akira and 8Base … Read more

Russian military hackers target NATO fast reaction corps

December 7, 2023 at 05:26PM Russian APT28 hackers exploited a Microsoft Outlook zero-day (CVE-2023-23397) to target European NATO members and a NATO corps. Over 20 months, they attacked at least 30 organizations in 14 countries. Despite the patch in 2023, they continued using it for credential theft and lateral network movement. Unit 42 linked the … Read more