House to Take up Bill to Reauthorize Crucial US Spy Program as Expiration Date Looms

April 6, 2024 at 08:36AM Next week, the House will consider a bill to reauthorize the Section 702 surveillance program for national security, despite concerns about privacy. The program allows the US to collect foreign communications without a warrant. Reauthorization faces political resistance due to concerns about privacy and FBI abuses, with proposed changes to … Read more

FBI Director: FISA Section 702 warrant requirement a ‘de facto ban’

November 15, 2023 at 09:10AM FBI Director Christopher Wray urged lawmakers to reject a proposed warrant requirement for accessing data obtained through FISA Section 702. This amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows warrantless surveillance of foreigners’ communications, also collects information on US persons. Wray emphasized the risks and resource limitations of implementing … Read more