Announcing Fortanix Key Insight — A Solution to Discover and Remediate Data Security Risks in Hybrid Multicloud Environments

Announcing Fortanix Key Insight — A Solution to Discover and Remediate Data Security Risks in Hybrid Multicloud Environments

November 29, 2023 at 05:50PM

Fortanix Inc. introduces Key Insight for its DSM platform, a unique tool to discover, assess, and remediate risks in encryption key management across multicloud environments, providing a data-centric security solution with improved compliance and risk posture. To be showcased at AWS re:Invent 2023.

Takeaways from Meeting Notes:

1. Fortanix Inc. announced a new feature called Key Insight in the Fortanix Data Security Manager (DSM) platform.
2. Key Insight helps enterprises manage risks and maintain compliance across hybrid multicloud environments.
3. Traditional security measures are insufficient as they do not protect data itself—encryption is essential but often poorly managed.
4. A Gartner report highlights the importance of understanding the impact of data and encryption key access on security and compliance.
5. Key Insight is the first solution to offer consolidated insights and control of cryptographic keys across multiple environments.
6. It facilitates collaboration among security, cloud, and developer teams to assess and address compliance and risk issues.
7. Key Insight is consistent with Fortanix’s value statement ‘Look. Know. Further.’ providing the ability to look across encryption environments, know risk postures, and have full data control.
8. Innovations within Key Insight include discovery and mapping of encryption assets, risk assessment through heatmaps, and the capability to remediate policy and compliance gaps with robust reporting.
9. Rapid AI, specializing in AI-based healthcare imaging, acknowledges the importance of encryption key management and supports tools like Key Insight for security and compliance purposes.
10. ACA Pacific, through CEO Craig Gledhill, supports the use of Fortanix Key Insight for its customers, citing the need for multicloud data security and compliance solutions.
11. The introduction of Key Insight enriches Fortanix DSM’s existing capabilities, such as enterprise key management, data masking/tokenization, secrets management, and more.

The overall message is that Fortanix’s introduction of Key Insight on their DSM platform provides enhanced data security through better encryption key management and compliance across multicloud environments, aligning with the needs of enterprises concerned with data breaches and regulatory demands.

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