Trail of Bits Spinout iVerify Tackles Mercenary Spyware Threat

Trail of Bits Spinout iVerify Tackles Mercenary Spyware Threat

December 6, 2023 at 10:48AM

iVerify, emerging from Trail of Bits as a seed-stage startup, introduces a platform targeting iOS and Android zero-day threats, focusing on combating mercenary spyware.

Source: SecurityWeek.

Takeaways from the meeting:

1. Company Profile:
iVerify is a seed-stage startup.

2. Origin:
The company has been spun out of Trail of Bits.

3. Product Offering:
iVerify provides a mobile threat hunting platform.

4. Target Platforms:
The product is designed to secure both iOS and Android operating systems.

5. Focus:
The platform specializes in neutralizing zero-day vulnerabilities.

6. Market Concern:
iVerify addresses the issue of mercenary spyware threats.

[Note: The provided text seems to be a segment of a news article or press release rather than meeting notes, so the above takeaways are based on the assumption that these were the key discussion points during a meeting that cited this information.]

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