New Developer Tools Necessary to Boost Passkey Adoption

New Developer Tools Necessary to Boost Passkey Adoption

January 11, 2024 at 09:19AM

Passkeys, a password-less technology, utilize device-based authentication and public-key encryption. Though initially esoteric, they are gaining traction with major websites and identity ecosystems, supported by tech giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft. The move towards mainstream adoption is underway, with a focus on developer adoption and tools to simplify implementation.

Based on the meeting notes provided, the key takeaways are:

1. Passkeys, a password-less technology utilizing device-based authentication and public-key encryption, are set to become widely adopted, spearheaded by major companies such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft.

2. The adoption of passkeys is crucial for smaller sites and their developers to create a significant impact on the technology landscape.

3. Passkeys are gaining support from various major websites and apps, showing a trend towards mainstream adoption, particularly in consumer use.

4. The number of web sites and apps that support passkeys is increasing, with positive feedback on their ease of use compared to traditional login methods.

5. Passkeys use public key cryptography for authentication and offer the benefit of syncing across ecosystems within the same platform.

6. Tools and guidance from authentication infrastructure providers, identity providers, and major platforms aim to simplify the implementation of passkeys for developers and website owners.

7. There is a growing need for passkey implementation to be user-friendly, accessible, and widely familiarized.

Overall, the outlook for passkeys is optimistic, with efforts focused on simplifying implementation for developers and increasing familiarity and ease of use for consumers.

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