China-Linked ‘Velvet Ant’ Hackers Exploited Zero-Day to Deploy Malware on Cisco Nexus Switches

China-Linked ‘Velvet Ant’ Hackers Exploited Zero-Day to Deploy Malware on Cisco Nexus Switches

August 22, 2024 at 12:51PM

SecurityWeek Network offers a range of cybersecurity content, from news, webcasts, and virtual events to discussions on topics such as malware, cyberwarfare, data breaches, and incident response. It also covers areas like IoT security, risk management, and CISO strategy, as well as providing updates on cybersecurity funding and M&A activities.

From the provided meeting notes, it seems that the discussion revolved around various topics related to cybersecurity. The notes include mentions of cybersecurity news, webcasts, virtual events, and specific areas of focus such as ICS (Industrial Control Systems) cybersecurity, malware and threats, cyberwarfare, cybercrime, data breaches, fraud and identity theft, nation-state activities, ransomware, vulnerabilities, security operations, threat intelligence, incident response, tracking and law enforcement, security architecture, application security, cloud security, endpoint security, identity and access, IoT security, mobile and wireless security, network security, risk management, cyber insurance, data protection, privacy and compliance, supply chain security, CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) strategy, cyber insurance discussions, CISO conversations, CISO forum, ICS/OT (Operational Technology), industrial cybersecurity, and cybersecurity funding, as well as mergers and acquisitions in the cybersecurity industry.

The notes showcase a wide array of cybersecurity topics and activities, reflecting the diverse areas of interest and engagement within the SecurityWeek network.

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