Mandiant Shines Spotlight on APT45 Behind North Korea’s Digital Military Machine

July 25, 2024 at 07:09AM SecurityWeek Network provides cybersecurity news, webcasts, and virtual events. Their offerings cover a wide range of topics including malware, cyberwarfare, data breaches, ransomware, and security operations. They also focus on areas such as risk management, privacy compliance, and CISO strategy, with specific emphasis on industrial cybersecurity and related financial activities. … Read more

Chinese Hacking Group APT41 Infiltrates Global Shipping and Tech Sectors, Mandiant Warns

July 18, 2024 at 03:03PM SecurityWeek Network offers cybersecurity news, webcasts, virtual events, and covers a wide range of topics including malware, cyberwarfare, data breaches, ransomware, and more. It also features specific tracks on ICS cybersecurity, industrial cybersecurity, and information on cybersecurity funding and M&A activity. Based on the meeting notes, it seems like the … Read more

Cyber-Insurance Prices Plummet as Market Competition Grows

July 8, 2024 at 02:07PM The cyber-insurance market has seen a significant decline in premium rates, making coverage more accessible to organizations of all sizes. Factors contributing to this decrease include a more competitive marketplace, improved cyber hygiene, and better risk assessment by insurers. Despite a rise in cyber-attacks, prices are expected to remain stable … Read more

CloudSorcerer hackers abuse cloud services to steal Russian govt data

July 8, 2024 at 11:17AM CloudSorcerer, a new APT group discovered by Kaspersky, uses custom malware to steal data from Russian government organizations via cloud services. The malware’s behavior varies based on its injection point within the system, allowing it to collect data and execute commands. Kaspersky characterizes the attacks as highly sophisticated, with IoC … Read more

Webinar Alert: Learn How ITDR Solutions Stop Sophisticated Identity Attacks

July 5, 2024 at 09:07AM A webinar on Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) will provide insider knowledge on modern cybersecurity threats and protection. Led by Silverfort’s VP of Product Marketing, Yiftach Keshet, the session will cover hidden security vulnerabilities, top features of ITDR solutions, real-world scenarios, and future identity security trends. Register now before … Read more

Millions of OpenSSH Servers Potentially Vulnerable to Remote regreSSHion Attack

July 1, 2024 at 08:21AM The SecurityWeek Network covers cybersecurity news, webcasts, and virtual events. It includes topics such as malware, cyberwarfare, data breaches, ransomware, and incident response. Additionally, it provides information on security operations, threat intelligence, risk management, and CISO strategy. Furthermore, it focuses on ICS/OT and industrial cybersecurity, as well as cyber insurance … Read more

Optiv Report Shows Nearly 60% Increase in Security Budgets as Most Organizations Report Cyber Breaches and Incidents

June 26, 2024 at 05:56PM Optiv’s 2024 Threat and Risk Management Report, based on a Ponemon Institute survey, highlights a 59% spike in cyber budgets. The report emphasizes the urgency for organizations to prioritize cybersecurity investments, as data breaches and security incidents continue to rise. Key findings include security tool overload, top investment areas, lack … Read more

Malware Sandbox Any.Run Targeted in Phishing Attack

June 25, 2024 at 06:07AM SecurityWeek Network offers cybersecurity news, webcasts, and virtual events. It covers a wide range of topics, including malware, cybercrime, ransomware, vulnerability, threat intelligence, and CISO strategy. It also focuses on industrial cybersecurity and provides updates on cybersecurity funding and M&A activities. It seems like the meeting notes are a list … Read more

Catching Up on Innovation With NIST CSF 2.0

June 20, 2024 at 10:40AM The NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 (NIST CSF 2.0) arrives at a critical moment, as ransomware attacks and other cybersecurity threats are on the rise. It emphasizes the need for organizations to reevaluate their security measures, make targeted investments, and prioritize organization-wide security hygiene to effectively combat evolving cyber threats. Based … Read more

Pure Storage pwned, claims data plundered by crims who broke into Snowflake workspace

June 11, 2024 at 02:10PM Pure Storage confirmed a data breach involving a single Snowflake data analytics workspace. No customer data was compromised, but telemetry information such as company names and email addresses was accessed. Security firm Mandiant identified a common factor in the breaches as the lack of Multi-Factor Authentication. Pure Storage stated that … Read more