PixPirate Android Banking Trojan Using New Evasion Tactic to Target Brazilian Users

March 13, 2024 at 10:09AM PixPirate Android banking trojan utilizes new method to elude detection and steal sensitive data in Brazil. The malware hides its icon from the victim’s device, making the operations inconspicuous. Employing SMS and WhatsApp, it uses a downloader app to install and execute its main fraudulent activities, posing a significant threat … Read more

New Web injections campaign steals banking data from 50,000 people

December 19, 2023 at 03:40PM A new malware campaign, detected by IBM in March 2023, has targeted over 50,000 users across 40 banks globally, attempting to steal banking data. Using JavaScript web injections, the attackers intercepted user credentials and OTPs, gaining access to accounts, changing settings, and performing unauthorized transactions. The evasive campaign employs stealthy … Read more