PixPirate Android Banking Trojan Using New Evasion Tactic to Target Brazilian Users

March 13, 2024 at 10:09AM PixPirate Android banking trojan utilizes new method to elude detection and steal sensitive data in Brazil. The malware hides its icon from the victim’s device, making the operations inconspicuous. Employing SMS and WhatsApp, it uses a downloader app to install and execute its main fraudulent activities, posing a significant threat … Read more

Malicious Apps Spoof Israeli Attack Detectors: Conflict Goes Mobile

October 23, 2023 at 02:36PM A genuine app called RedAlert – Rocket Alerts, which provides timely alerts about incoming airstrikes in the Israel and Gaza region, was recently spoofed and used to collect personal information from users. This incident highlights the extension of cybercrimes during the Israel-Hamas conflict. Another case involved a pro-Palestinian hacktivist group … Read more

Fake ‘RedAlert’ rocket alert app for Israel installs Android spyware

October 16, 2023 at 11:23AM A malicious version of the ‘RedAlert – Rocket Alerts’ app is targeting Israeli Android users. The fake app, distributed from the website “redalerts[.]me,” appears legitimate but installs spyware on the device. It requests additional permissions and collects data from the user, encrypting and uploading it to a hardcoded IP address. … Read more