Vietnamese Human Rights Group Targeted in Multi-Year Cyberattack by APT32

August 29, 2024 at 12:24PM A non-profit supporting Vietnamese human rights has been targeted by a multi-year cyber espionage campaign attributed to APT32. The group uses various malware delivery methods, including spear-phishing and watering hole attacks. The intrusion has resulted in the compromise of several hosts and the theft of sensitive information, with a focus … Read more

FBI Director Wray Issues Dire Warning on China’s Cybersecurity Threat

April 19, 2024 at 04:46PM FBI Director Wray warned about the significant threat posed by China-backed hackers to US national and economic security. He highlighted the malicious intentions of Chinese cyber attackers and urged immediate action from both private industry and government to fortify networks and respond to attacks. Additionally, he emphasized the need for … Read more

Industry piles in on North Korea for sustained rampage on software supply chains

November 23, 2023 at 08:44AM The UK and South Korea’s national cybersecurity organizations have issued a joint advisory warning about an increase in the volume and sophistication of North Korean software supply chain attacks. The advisory highlights the use of zero-day and N-day vulnerabilities and multiple exploits to achieve North Korea’s priorities, which include generating … Read more