Juniper Networks Publishes Dozens of New Security Advisories

April 15, 2024 at 09:54AM Juniper Networks recently released multiple advisories detailing over one hundred vulnerabilities in Junos OS, Junos OS Evolved, and other products. Critical-severity issues were found in third-party software, including cURL and Junos cRPD. High-severity flaws impacting Junos OS, Junos OS Evolved, and Paragon Active Assurance Control Center were also addressed. Customers … Read more

Reg story prompts fresh security bulletin, review of Juniper Networks’ CVE process

January 30, 2024 at 10:36AM Juniper Networks disclosed and apologized for previously concealing vulnerabilities reported by watchTowr researcher Aliz Hammond. The company issued an out-of-cycle security advisory, separately disclosing four vulnerabilities with missing individual CVEs. The vulnerabilities affect J-Web in Junos OS SRX Series and EX Series. US CISA warned of the XSS vulnerability and … Read more

Juniper Networks Patches Critical Remote Code Execution Flaw in Firewalls, Switches

January 15, 2024 at 06:12AM Juniper Networks has addressed more than 100 vulnerabilities, including the critical CVE-2024-21591 affecting Junos OS. The flaw could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial-of-service. Additionally, the company has patched high and medium severity flaws in third-party components. No known attacks exploiting these vulnerabilities have been reported. … Read more

Juniper Networks Patches Over 30 Vulnerabilities in Junos OS

October 13, 2023 at 09:19AM Juniper Networks has released patches for over 30 vulnerabilities in Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved. The most critical flaw is an incorrect default permissions bug that allows unauthorized access and the creation of a backdoor with root privileges. Other vulnerabilities include denial of service (DoS) risks and impacts on … Read more