Patchless Apple M-Chip Vulnerability Allows Cryptography Bypass

March 27, 2024 at 04:16PM Limited options leave many vulnerable Macs susceptible to a “GoFetch” attack, which can steal keys, including quantum-resistant ones. Based on the meeting notes, it seems the flaw is limiting the options for addressing it, leaving many Macs vulnerable to a “GoFetch” attack that can steal keys, even quantum-resistant ones. This … Read more

Apple fixes iOS Kernel zero-day vulnerability on older iPhones

October 12, 2023 at 12:46PM Apple has released security updates for older iPhones and iPads to address two zero-day vulnerabilities that were being exploited in attacks. The first vulnerability allows local attackers to elevate privileges on vulnerable devices, while the second vulnerability could allow threat actors to execute arbitrary code. Although Apple has not confirmed … Read more