PixPirate Android malware uses new tactic to hide on phones

March 13, 2024 at 02:19PM The latest PixPirate banking trojan for Android conceals itself on phones even after its dropper app is removed. It avoids using a launcher icon and is designed to remain hidden on recent Android versions. Employing two apps, it steals information and targets the Brazilian instant payment platform Pix to initiate … Read more

PixPirate Android Banking Trojan Using New Evasion Tactic to Target Brazilian Users

March 13, 2024 at 10:09AM PixPirate Android banking trojan utilizes new method to elude detection and steal sensitive data in Brazil. The malware hides its icon from the victim’s device, making the operations inconspicuous. Employing SMS and WhatsApp, it uses a downloader app to install and execute its main fraudulent activities, posing a significant threat … Read more

‘PixPirate’ RAT Invisibly Triggers Wire Transfers From Android Devices

March 13, 2024 at 06:04AM PixPirate is a sophisticated Brazilian banking Trojan targeting Android devices. It exploits the Pix app for bank transfers in Brazil and employs a deceptive method to conceal its presence, allowing it to steal login credentials and execute unauthorized transfers. The malware’s advanced capabilities and hiding technique present potential concerns for … Read more