AT&T Breach Linked to American Hacker, Telecom Giant Paid $370k Ransom: Reports

July 15, 2024 at 10:06AM AT&T suffered a data breach resulting in the theft of customer call and text records. The company paid a $370,000 ransom to a hacker, later identified as John Binns, living in Turkey, for deleting the data. While the breach did not expose personal information, it potentially put customers at risk. … Read more

Ransomware attacks now target unpatched WS_FTP servers

October 12, 2023 at 03:16PM Unpatched WS_FTP servers exposed to the internet are being targeted by ransomware attacks. The Reichsadler Cybercrime Group attempted to deploy ransomware on these servers using a stolen LockBit 3.0 builder. Although some servers have not been patched, the attempt to encrypt data was unsuccessful, although a $500 ransom demand was … Read more