Trend Micro’s Bug Bounty Program ZDI 2023 Performance

January 12, 2024 at 12:11AM Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) disclosed 1,913 bugs in 2023 with 74% rated as Critical/High risk. The program identified vulnerabilities in attacks using zero-day exploits and provided early virtual patches to protect customers. ZDI also contributed 20% of bugs to Microsoft and 78% to Adobe, supporting both vendors in … Read more

5 Ways Hospitals Can Help Improve Their IoT Security

October 16, 2023 at 08:35PM Connected medical devices are vulnerable to cyber attacks, endangering patient data and operations. Palo Alto Networks found that 75% of infusion pumps had at least one security flaw. Hospitals can enhance defenses by maintaining visibility of assets, identifying device exposures, implementing a zero trust approach, using virtual patching for legacy … Read more