Zero Day Threat Protection for Your Network

November 6, 2023 at 03:28AM Zero day threats are security vulnerabilities that have been detected in a system or device but have not yet been patched by the vendor community. These threats can be targeted towards specific companies or applications and can cause significant damage, including financial losses. Relying solely on vendors to address these … Read more

Securing Cloud Infrastructure Demands a New Mindset

November 4, 2023 at 01:08PM The increased attacks on cloud infrastructure and services have created a scenario where successful breaches affect both cloud providers and users. To better protect public cloud resources, organizations need to adopt new ways of thinking, understand likely attack vectors, and collaborate closely with their cloud service providers. Misconfigurations and stolen … Read more

Zero Day Threat Protection for Your Network

October 31, 2023 at 07:41PM Trend Micro offers zero day threat protection for networks by leveraging global research and artificial intelligence. Zero day threats are security vulnerabilities that haven’t been patched by the vendor community. These threats can cause significant damage, such as ransomware attacks, and organizations should take proactive measures to detect and remediate … Read more